Friday, September 3, 2010

Things of sentimental value

My dad gave me these pearls when I graduated college, and if someone ever stole them I would probably cry.

We are moving to Spain in 20ish days. The home stretch, which, in our case (leaving home) is aptly worded.

Our to-do list is as long as my arm and got longer this week when The Mister has his bag stolen while he was playing basketball.

Keys gone.
Wallet gone.
iPhone (brand new! argh) gone.

and, the kicker:

Wedding ring. Gone.

He always takes it off to play basketball because it's just a tad too big.  We are very lucky in that we have renter's insurance that is replacing everything for us (after a slightly painful deductible, but still).  But the wedding ring rankles.

Neither of us are hugely attached to material items in general, which is good considering The Mister's propensity for moving and the fact that we seem to get rid of all of our earthly belongings about every three years.  But still, there is something a bit sentimental about it being the ring I put on his finger on our wedding day. 

It doesn't matter, and it will get replaced, but it sorta still matters anyway.

Thieving little punk kid.
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1 comment:

  1. That is just so sad Sarah, I am so sorry. Life is always interesting. Love your blog.
    Love Aunt Jill


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