Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Which I Impress You With My Suave Transitions

Croissant ring
Excuse the out-of-focusness please.  My camera La Rebel was on an Alaskan cruise, the diva.  The iPhone had to pinch hit.

My friend Leanne is a total Francophile.  She speaks fluent French, goes to France all the time - she even married a French man, which, let's be honest, is a pretty big statement.

Anyway, she went to Paris recently and I had been pleading with her to bring me back a croissant.  She brought me back the above.  A ring.  So I can wear it on my  finger. Sadly, it isn't edible.  I've tried.

Anyway, in a roundabout way this is leading me up to Spanish food.  I can't really think of a good transition here so I am just going to go for it. (Gosh I am so SMOOTH, baby!)

Spanish food I can't wait to eat:
  • Paella (duh).  Name of this blog.  Pictured above right on header. Pronounced pie- AY-yuh.  Is pure deliciousness.
  • Gazpacho. Chilled vegetable soup with some sort of magical creaminess.  Faint.
  • Sangria (it's the Mediterranean, I can include wine as a food group if I want to)
Spanish food of the "whaaat?" variety that I am determined to try:
  • Pulpo:  Octopus.
  • Any of the jazillion varieties of fish.  Not a fish lover, I'll admit.  I saw the Little Mermaid, I know they're really all jolly, reggae-singing cuties who it's a crime to eat. 
Don't worry, I will report back.  And there will be (non-fuzzy) pictures.

15 days until launch
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  1. Pulpo is quite possibly one of my favorites! I live in galicia during the summer and, despite pledging not to eat octopus because of little Pulpo Paul...I couldn't resist!

    Also add puchero or croquetas de puchero to your list. It's a two part delight that Spanish expats fawn over when they return to La Patria. One part garbanzo and veggie soup, one part mashed up meat served in a sandwich. the croquetas usually are made of the later part!

  2. Hmm pulpo can be really delicious when it's prepared well and in a light, refreshing, salad. And what about calamari?? :)

  3. I keep hearing how awesome pulpo is! I'm a little scared but don't get me wrong I am going to march in and try it. I am determined to like it!

    And calamari is ALWAYS good in my book! :)

  4. you've tried naught until you've tried conche finas.... love mussels basically. SOOOO good

  5. Oh I am SO excited for the food! Getting a bocadilla de patata the second I get off that plane!
    If you ever feel the need to expand your tastes, stop by Bilbao, I'm looking forward to trying some really crazy stuff up there...baby eels anyone?

  6. so yea, i meant to say LIVE mussels, lol!


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