Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't forget to look up occasionally

I was walking around Málaga the other day with my friend Claire, who has the distinction of being the only other user of the one English bookshelf at the public library. If a book I want isn't there, I know it's on Claire's nightstand, and sometimes we've found things each other have left in the books, like bookmarks and papers and such. We should pass notes in secret code, I think.

Anyway, we were just wandering around shooting the breeze when we came to a little side street. Claire brightened up. "This is one of my favorite streets in Málaga," she confided. "Sometimes I come out of my way just to walk down this street because it makes me happy."

I looked around.

"What's special about this street?" I wondered. Cute, but at first glance not any different from the maze of cute streets in all directions.

Claire rolled her eyes. "Look up."

And then the street charmed me like a tween girl at a Robert Pattinson meet-and-greet.

Across one of the rails connecting both sides of the narrow street, someone had made little statues of acrobatic little people. There's a tightrope walker, a somersaulter, a backbend girl, and then another little guy who just looks a bit confused. 

I learned two things: 1.) Side streets are better with a dose of whimsy, and 2.) Look up.

Also, for bonus points, the same artist (or so it seems) put a little bench on the street for people to sit and ponder his skyward creation.

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  1. Yes, occasional looking up is good but as one very wise German fables teaches children, if you look up all the time and don't pay attention you may fall and die! Very valuable lesson, indeed. Nope, not kidding:

  2. what street is this?? P.S. LOVE your blog and your pictures!

  3. What a wonderful twist on stuffy old statues or confusing modern artistic creations. This makes you stop and smile. The world needs more side streets like this one.

  4. I would also like to know the street name. I will be in Málaga in less the 2 weeks, and I'd like to see it in person!

  5. Sophia - that's hilarious!

    Andrea - isn't it awesome?

    Laura & Anonymous - I have no idea of the name, but it's a little side street just off Calle Larios, the big shopping street near Plaza de la Constitution. It's on the right side of the street if Alameda is at your back!


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