Thursday, November 17, 2011

I think I shall try some pickled herring


Trip booked: Stockholm, Sweden. First week of December.

Checklist includes:

long johns
thick socks

In a nerd-a-riffic twist, the Nobel Prizes will be awarded that week in Stockholm and the prize winners are giving free lectures open to the public. I am not sure whether I'm more excited over this or, you know, being in Scandinavia for the first time. The physics lecture is called "Observing the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe through Observations of Distant Supernovae" which gets my little nerd heart pitter-pattering. I told my mom that I was excited about attending. "That sounds great,"she said skeptically, "...for you." And then she laughed.

So, tell me a.) Have you been to Sweden? and b.) If so, what should I do while I'm there? 

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  1. I have not been to Sweden, but one of my longtime friends moved there a couple years ago and is now living in Stockholm. Drop her a line- I'm sure she'd have some good suggestions! :) She also has a blog:

  2. Estocolmo!! I was there over semana santa and had a great time. It's very pricey, so be prepared for that. Here are my suggestions:
    1) Wander around / take photos in Gamla Stan, the historic center of the city.
    2) Visit the Hötorgshallen food halls to try reindeer, dried berries, and, of course, pickled herring
    3) Visit H&M (why not?!)

  3. Check out a little town called Sigtuna outside of Stockholm. It's adorable.

  4. In Gamla Stan there is a chocolate cafe. In the summer they had iced chocolate drinks with slivers of oranges. In the winter I'm just positive they do some of the world's best hot chocolate. :)

  5. Yo mama was right :-). Dork! But I love this dork.

  6. yes, thank you everybody! I'm off to research your suggestions.

    and thanks Mom for calling me a dork AGAIN.


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