Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blogging by Numbers

Re: lack of blogging: it's really more about me being merciful to you than anything else. Really, all I'm doing is studying day in, day out, in my dreams, and on my (nonexistent) lunch break. I'm going to go ahead and assume most of you find that a.) a little weird, and b.) deadly dull. So really, I'm being quiet because I love you.
Studying is going well, thanks for asking! Both The Mister and I have specific score numbers in mind that we'd like to reach, and both of us hit those in practice tests this past weekend! We celebrated with a trip to Chick-fil-a - not just ANY Chick-fil-a, mind you - the one that has all their delectable sauces RIGHT ON THE COUNTER AND FREE FOR THE TAKING. Most of them are kept behind the registers, where they dole out one or two chintzy packets upon request; clearly a less than ideal setup when you treat their special sauces like collector's items, as The Mister and I are wont to do.
It is getting le hot outside.
Did you see the new iPhone prototype thingy? (old news, I know, it was like SO last week). My aging phone, which is well past its third birthday, is finally and slowly giving out. Let me tell you, I love this phone and will be sad to see it leave. But getting a new phone will open myself up to all sorts of technological innovations, like a texting keyboard (oui, I am one of those people still stuck in T9 h-e-double hockey sticks, and that is why I am such a reluctant and unreliable texter). Anyway, lets just say it got me thinking.
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Monday, April 19, 2010

This Weekend: A Retrospective

Mama-in-law in town. Activities included:

  • Taking photos of my little sister Emily's prom! (I can't believe she went to PROM! Isn't she, like, twelve still?)
  • Taking photos of the two moms together...presh.
  • Editing all said photos while I had time off studying to do it
  • (Are you sensing a theme? One involving the camera glued to my face?)
  • Enjoying my MIL's casual injection of the term "lazy beeyotch" into a sentence (side note: if you haven't heard your mother-in-law say this, you should try it sometime. It's great)
  • Watching Pride & Prejudice for the one zillionth time and saying all the words along with Mr. Darcy
  • Lazing around at the pool for hours at a time
  • Fish tacos at Chuy's
  • Learning that said MIL is not a fan of cinnamon rolls, alfredo sauce, or cheesecake (what?).
  • Watching the sunset on Thunderbird mountain

Pics are here and here and here if you find yourself so inclined.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

5 Friday Randoms:

  1. I have very talented friends. One of my college roommates Sophia just matriculated at Harvard for grad school. I am pretty sure that breathing the same air as her in a (very small) dorm room for a year makes me smarter by association. So exciting, Soph! I'm going to channel Phoebe from Friends and tell you that I'm 95% happy for you, 5% jealous...ok, more like 50/50, who am I kidding? I'm only human.

  2. My mama-in-law is coming into town for the weekend! I advised her to bring a bathing suit, sunscreen, and her game face.

  3. That means I have 2 straight days off studying! What if I forget everything?

  4. While The Mister and I were hanging out in Africa in the summer of '08 I wrote a little post on this blog called Potassium Pomegranate (too lazy to link to it right now, but it's linked on the right sidebar if you're interested). Enough people read it and linked to it that Google somehow picked it up, and every few months I'll get random comments by spam bots. I got two this morning. Lovely. These are my personal favorites:

  5. I am obsessed with this cup. I want one. (Oh, and this one might as well come too...why not?). A coworker has one and I eye it jealously at morning meetings when he has it full of iced coffee, and he isn't getting a face full of ice every time he tries to drink it out of his nalgene, like other people who will remain unnamed. (ME).

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If I could...

If I could be any fictional character today, I would like to be Sebastian from The Little Mermaid.
He gets to hang around the beach all day, composing catchy reggae songs about how great life is as a sea creature. To eat all he has to do is open his mouth and some sort of plankton-thingy flows right in. Also, he hangs out with a mermaid with red hair. I would like to hang with a mermaid with red hair.
And, here's the real kicker: he sleeps in a seashell.
Really, doesn't that sound nice?
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two Months From Today:

( This is my life right now)

Two months from today, at this time of the afternoon, I will be taking the LSAT.

Two months (and a few hours) from this moment, I will:

  • Get to start reading for fun again

  • Make something in the kitchen that is neither a sandwich nor a mess (if I remember how)

  • Catch up with friends who I haven't seen in weeks

  • Need sunglasses to hide my squinty eyes from the sun, since I won't have seen it for about 3 months at that point

  • get rid of the entire shelf of study materials

  • blog more often

  • take more pictures

  • not have to sharpen a number 2 pencil

The Mister and I were noting the other day that this is the hardest in life we have ever worked for anything. I definitely never worked this hard in college or anywhere else.

So two months and a few hours from now, I'll also get to have a sense of accomplishment - that no matter how the scores turn out (although please lord let them be good) that I worked my buns off - at least I won't have any regrets.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

A date with Emily and La Rebel

Did you have a nice Easter?

I did.

My family has a hollaindaise-drenched brunch every year.

(that's the best kind of brunch, if anyone asks).

And this weekend, I took some graduation pictures of my baby sister.

I've missed photography. As LSAT fever has overtaken the house, I'll sometimes throw longing looks at La Rebel as I'm picking up my number 2 pencil yet again. But there is a season for everything, and soon my blog will be peppered with photos again - hang tight.

For now, a few of this sister o' mine:

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Thursday, April 1, 2010