Friday, April 16, 2010

5 Friday Randoms:

  1. I have very talented friends. One of my college roommates Sophia just matriculated at Harvard for grad school. I am pretty sure that breathing the same air as her in a (very small) dorm room for a year makes me smarter by association. So exciting, Soph! I'm going to channel Phoebe from Friends and tell you that I'm 95% happy for you, 5% jealous...ok, more like 50/50, who am I kidding? I'm only human.

  2. My mama-in-law is coming into town for the weekend! I advised her to bring a bathing suit, sunscreen, and her game face.

  3. That means I have 2 straight days off studying! What if I forget everything?

  4. While The Mister and I were hanging out in Africa in the summer of '08 I wrote a little post on this blog called Potassium Pomegranate (too lazy to link to it right now, but it's linked on the right sidebar if you're interested). Enough people read it and linked to it that Google somehow picked it up, and every few months I'll get random comments by spam bots. I got two this morning. Lovely. These are my personal favorites:

  5. I am obsessed with this cup. I want one. (Oh, and this one might as well come too...why not?). A coworker has one and I eye it jealously at morning meetings when he has it full of iced coffee, and he isn't getting a face full of ice every time he tries to drink it out of his nalgene, like other people who will remain unnamed. (ME).

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  1. Ha, good Friday 5! As much info as Ron and you have been packing into your noggins, I'd probably minimize time spent laying down... just so gravity doesn't work against you and cause things to trickle out;-)

    Also, if for some reason you'd rather not get those cool anonymous comments, you can try going to the "Comments" section of your blog Settings and enabling the "Word Verification" option... that should keep those out.

    Looking forward to catching up with you guys!

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  5. ah! i got a shout out in your blog! talk about exciting! thanks so much, Sarah... i read your blog all the time anyway but now i'm going to become an even more avid reader. :)

    and p.s. i have no doubt you and Ron are gonna kick some LSAT ass. and even if you don't do AS well as you hoped you would, just remember it's not the only thing they look at. harvard looked over my mediocre GRE scores (including a seriously bad writing score which devastated me), so there's always hope!

    also.. i just had to delete my comment twice because i found mistakes in it. what is harvard thinking?


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