Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh I Just Can't Wait

In my vast and rather impressive repertoire of personal sins, materialism does not feature prominently. I love nice things, but I am not much of a shopper, and when I do shop I am an incorrigible tightwad. ( I'd like to take a moment to place the blame for my thrifty streak squarely on the shoulders of my lovely and similarly spending-challenged mother. My older sister Hannah and I inherited this gene...whether or not my younger sister Emily decides to make it a hat trick remains to be seen - she's only 17).

Meet my impossibly pretty frugalista mother:

Side note: The photo above was taken on the day of my favorite fall tradition: apple butter making! Check out our stylish adorable aprons. Mine was a gift from my friend Chelsey and it's my absolute favorite piece of kitchen wear ever! I'd like to make a skirt out of the fabric. A dress! Curtains! I love it. And my mother's is a gift from her sister, my lovely and graceful Aunt Wendy, which goes to show that the women in my family really have fabulous taste.


With all the disclaimers out of the way, I'd like to share that I am drooling over a material object with intensity not seen in the G-ski household since the Mac Laptop Debut of '07.

What is it, you ask? I am talking too much? And you just want to know what the heck it IS already?

*Cue angel choir*

*Cue rays of sunshine streaming from the parting heavens*

It is a Canon Rebel. A digital SLR camera.

The Mister and I have had our eye on it for awhile. And, at long last, we have decided that the upcoming holiday season is the time to do it.

So, sometime between Thanksgiving '09 and Valentine's Day '10 (we're not really deadline people), I will be the proud and happy owner. We are searching for a name.

P.S. This also means that the quality and frequency of photos on this site will go way, way up. Bonus!
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  1. Get it soon so you can take amazing pictures at Mt.Hermon... I did not bring my camera. I am leaning on you and The Mister!!!

  2. your excitement isn't unfounded.

  3. you will love your rebel. we got
    one for my birthday/our wedding
    anniversary (same day) in august.
    and we are absolutely in heaven.

    P.S. i am the rice bag lady : ) we
    are moving in the next 2 weeks
    and i'll need a few weeks after
    that to get going again probably.
    so if you still love your little bag
    of warmth after christmas, i will
    be in touch! thanks for your
    sweet email.. i really appreciate
    your kind words so much!

  4. We love our Rebel too. It's a great camera, and was recommended by a professional photographer friend of ours.

    I love your aprons, as I am also an apron wearer whenever I work in the kitchen. (By the way, your mother could pass for one of your gorgeous sisters. Wow!)

  5. sooooo jealous! will you take pictures of my kids with it and send them to me:)

  6. @Kelley - interesting proposal! Maybe we'll have to get it before then! We're holding out for after Thanksgiving sales...

    @Brando - I feel like R and I need to come find you (where ARE you in the world, exactly?) and take lessons for a few days

    @mama bliss - thanks! And I LOVE the photos on your blog - gorgeous!

    @Andrea - my mom will love you

    @Tasia - I seriously will. We're going to need practice to get good - I would LOVE to have your kids be subjects for an afternoon!

  7. Valerie (aka "wonderful wife")November 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM

    Check out Randy's new photography site.....most photos taken with his Rebel and his wonderful wife (hmmmmmmm) got him the new Rebel for his birthday in October. He'd be more than happy to share specifics or help in any way with your decision making.

  8. Randy! I had no idea! His photographs are lovely, folks - check them out!

  9. I thought your title was going to lead into a classy tune from dear Nalah and Simba....but NOO. Disappointing.


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