Thursday, November 19, 2009

The No Good Very Bad...oh, you get the rest

Today. 10:38 a.m. My statement to the world is that I am a mess this morning. A MESS I tell you.

7:32: The Mister wakes me up. "I forgot to set the alarm" he mumbles.

7:38: Roll reluctantly out of bed.

7:41: Halfway dressed. I wasn't going to shower because a.) my hair looked good and that's most of the reason we shower anyway, let's be honest. b.) I sit at a desk all day. I'm not exactly out branding cattle. I showered yesterday, and I am still clean. c.) I wake up at 7:30 every day in order to get to work by 8:00. Sacrifices must be made.

7:42: Realize I MUST shower because I'm getting a small skin biopsy done today and I can't shower for 24 hours afterwards - that would push my shower gap past the 2 day point - awkward for everybody.

7:43: Undress. Invade The Mister's shower, which he shares with surprising grace.

7:49: The Mister kisses me goodbye and leaves. I'm supposed to be at work in 11 minutes and instead I'm halfway dressed and have sopping wet hair.

7:52: Change pants. First pair I spilled tea on last week.

7:54: Change pants AGAIN. Second pair covered in red lint from a particularly fuzzy couch blanket.

8:01: Hair and makeup.

8:09: LATE! Rush around. Can't find purse.

8:10: Stop dead in tracks. Realize that I locked my purse in the trunk of my car last night during a family photo session for safekeeping. And never took it out. Still locked in the trunk.

8:11: Realize this means I have no keys, no phone, no way to get to work, and no way to call The Mister to tell him of my predicament.

8:20: He finally gets to work, and sees flashing "EMAIL ME ASAP I NEEEEEED YOU" emails in work inbox.

8:22: Tells me where to find spare key. Yes! He doesn't have to come home...whew.

8:25: Run back in house three times: once to get coffee mug and cell phone charger (phone dead from being on in car all night), then to get sunglasses, then to lock the door.

8:37: Get to work. 37 minutes late - not too bad. Boss has been warned via email and is sympathetic.

9:17: Realize hastily-packed lunch of chicken soup has leaked all over desk (haven't put it in fridge yet)

10:08: Realize earrings coordinate with pair of pants #2 and most definitely not with pair of pants #3.

10:16: Find cell phone charger in office refrigerator (must have put it in next to the chicken soup?)

Eat a cookie.
(No, seriously, go make those cookies. My day is better because I know they're waiting for me at home.)
Laugh again.

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  1. Absolutely loved this one! Thanks for making me smile - again!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments about the label art. I'm enjoying reading through your blog too!


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