Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Please have your kindergartners give their teachers hand-drawn presents

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Letting my five-year olds go yesterday was hard.  School year's over, next year they'll be in elementary school (called primario over here), they've grown about a foot since I met them last September, and they are the very best Spanish teachers I could possibly ask for. And so on and so forth. Blah blah blah sentimental crap blah blah blah.

But check this out: they left me with a parting gift.  That gift was intended to be sweet and good-hearted, and it is both of those things; its real charm, however, lays in another realm - belly laughs.  They all drew pictures for me, and let's take a meander through the gallery, shall we?

"For Teacher Sara(h)"

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It's impossible to read in this photo, but the yellow crayon on the top says "tú mejor amiga", which loosely translated from both Spanish and 5-year old speak is "yo' my best fwiend."

Please note that I have grown some really serious finger- and toenails.  And eyelashes.  Was it Maybelline, or do you think I was born like that?

The Mister says I look like Edward Scissorhands.

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The next one is the one in which I have put on a few pounds. And gone topless, with only a denim skirt to preserve my modesty. Although I don't have anything to be modest about since I am the size and shape of a Patrick Star from SpongeBob.

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"Caca" in Spanish means, well, exactly what you think it means: poop. This kid is either giving me a very candid appraisal of my teaching abilities, or he's really got to go and can't get it out of his head.

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Like, he really has to go. 

Or, he really has a bone to pick with me.

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The one in which I am a flower-wielding princess under a red-clouded sky (dangerous! sailors take warning!) and my student is a humble orange caterpillar.

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This one is the guy you really have to watch over your shoulder for if you're trying to get ahead in the kindergarten rat race.  This is pretty much Picasso-level sketching we have here.  I think it is a rendering of an underground ant colony, and this guy's like "color? we have to color it? that's for children."

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Needless to say, I adore every single one of them. 

(the kids and the drawings.)

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  1. Those are adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Perfect! Thanks so much - your commentary added to their charm.

  3. Your five-year-olds are WAY more creative than mine. I only get princesses, usually Belle. Le sigh.

  4. So cute, and funny. I burst out laughing at the caca and topless denim skirt masterworks.

  5. This made me laugh out loud way too much at my internship. It also made me even more excited about teaching in Spain!


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