Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FAQ: Another round!

Family in Spain-013.jpg

Every once in a while I get emails from readers and friends asking about something specific related to my time here in Spain.  The pace has been ramping up lately, and so I think it's about that time of the year again:  FAQ season.

Leave a comment on this post, or send me an email (link in the sidebar) with any and all questions about Spain, Spanish, Spaniards, and Spanish cucumbers. Or photography or writing or my little sister's odd hatred of the word "moist". Or, you know, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and how it relates to ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by dense materials traveling forward in straight lines around large bodies of mass. I mean, I'm not saying I'll have the answer to any of these things, but I'm game to try.

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  1. Hi Sarah!

    Love the blog! My question is: what documents are needed when we apply for the NIE once we get there? More specifically, my consulate does not require the medical certificate to have an apostille, but I got the impression through the manual that the program gives us that the NIE application requires the medical certificate to have the apostille. Any insight? Thanks!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! Love this blog, and thanks for answering questions! How much money should an Auxiliar initially bring to Spain? Also, were you always paid on time by the Junta?


  4. Hi! What did you do to meet the Spaniards? Did you walk up to them in the street? What kind of things would you say when you're first meeting them?

  5. I love the energy of your blog. It always makes me smile! My question is....How did you find teaching positions in Spain? My husband and I are both teachers in Charleston, SC and have been toying with the idea of teaching abroad for the past two years. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated!!

  6. Ditto Jacqui's question Did you join clubs or go to meetings or make friends with coworkers, or what? I studied abroad in Madrid last year and didn't make as many Spanish friends as I would have liked, so I would like to change that this time around!

  7. Thanks for answering questions. I am wondering if you can give some insight into how much we should plan on paying for utilities every month? I have been able to estimate costs for rent, but I am trying to budget for utilities and am not sure how much I should be figuring for. Thank you so much!

  8. That is the prettiest door I have ever seen, lol! I want one!

  9. I'm teaching in Campanillas, Malaga. Would you recommend commuting from the city or trying to find a place right in Campanillas? Also, do you think it would be feasible/a good idea to buy some sort of transportation like a motor-scooter or something to get around?
    PS-I'd also like to hear the answer to Chelsea's question.
    Thank you so much for this blog and all of the information!

  10. Sarah, I'd really like to see a post about your typical day. The everyday life is more interesting to me than anything.


Leave me a comment! Por favor?