Monday, October 11, 2010

You better believe I had some longhenberry juice

Well hello there.

I hope your weekend was nice. Mine was filled with faux-Oktoberfests (Málaga imitates Deutschland), walks on the beach, and getting caught in a lovely warm fall rainshower.

To cap off the awesomeness, you want to know what The Mister and I did today?

We went here:

And you know what? The Swedish cultural colonialism felt soooooo good.

I didn't even mind.

{P.S.} Do you think Sweden is basically a glacier that is full of super-stylish, modern people, or do you think they look at IKEA's success and think "oh my gosh, who even buys that crap?".  Because the USA's biggest cultural export in the 1990's was...Baywatch.  And that's kind of really embarrassing. But you know, other countries think we are all over that show and must be really proud of it, when in reality we are pretending that the only people that ever liked Hasselhoff were the Germans. Which is true. But beside the point.
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1 comment:

  1. love lingenberry; I mean lagerberry...or £ägëíÿîberry. Damn you swedes. Too cool for school. I think they sell us crap and make an empire, Russia is jealous.


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