Friday, October 22, 2010

Scenes from a Work Day

I think a vital part of a teacher's job, no matter where they are in the world, is making photocopies.  I was in the copy room today, shooting the breeze with another teacher and waiting my turn, when the machine choked and stuttered to a halt. "Does it need more paper?,"I asked, since I was blocking the paper shelf.  "No," she said, with a sardonic smile, "it needs a vacation."


Octubre is October in Spanish.  The teacher kept saying Octiember.  I cleared my throat. "actually, it's October" I whispered.  She turned and wrote on the chalkboard "Octuber," and beamed at me.


Another teacher. Another classroom. Another day.  "The United States is where Sarah comes from," she explains. "One part of the United States speaks English, and the other part speaks Spanish. Sarah comes from the English speaking part."  Um, no.  Just....wrong.


I'm in a supply room with another teacher.  A small boy comes running in from the hallway, bursting with excitement. "ACABO DE HACER CACA!" he announces to me. What? I look to the teacher for guidance.  She mimes sitting on an imaginary toilet, and makes a fake...uh...bathroom noise.  Oh. Oh. Caca. I get it.  He is telling me that he just pooped.  "Que bueno" I say weakly.  Good job.


Oh, and this is just the beginning.
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  1. Oh, these were priceless!

  2. I love these stories and I love your blog. I'm teaching in Madrid and it's great to see other people's experiences on this program!

  3. Don't worry, Sarah...I have to write down all of the names of kids who pee and poop in my classroom and report to their parents at the end of the day. Preschool is sooo not my thing!

  4. I have had high school students tell me they had to pee or, well,..... you fill in the blank. I guess reporting bathroom intentions and successes is not limited to little ones. : ) Aunt Wendy


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