Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hoped it would be fall and it really is

Spanish Autumn

About a month ago exactly, we had a week to go before we left Phoenix.  It was inching toward the middle of September, and it was still devilishly hot.  I remember turning to The Mister after a particularly sweaty week of moving and declaring, "oh I hope it will be fall in Spain".

And you know what? It is fall here.  70s and sunny, with rain showers scattered in, which to a Phoenix resident is like saying that Santa Claus has been let loose.

Today The Mister and I went on a beach picnic with a few friends of ours.  The weather was sunny and bright at first, and then when gray storm clouds rolled in over the sea, we fled to our apartment all together and played cards and music the rest of the evening.  Because it's fall.  And that's what people do in the fall.

As a side note, yesterday in the store I found cinnamon.  And now it's really autumn.
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  1. Sounds amazing! Love the photo, too.

  2. Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on water (or other liquid) in a slow simmering pot on the stove and it will smell like fall too...


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