Monday, January 18, 2010

Pre-Parenthood Reflections

"What is your greatest hope for our children?", The Mister asked me one day.

I thought about it for a moment.

"I would like them to be kind."

Kindness is a very, very underrated quality.

"What is yours?", I asked him back.

"I would like them to know that they have the freedom to be individuals. That their own opinion is the most important thing they have, and not to let anyone try to co-opt that from them".

I mused over that for a moment.

"That's going to be hell when they're teenagers" I observed.

I know", he affirmed, "but it will be worth it".

*picture by La Rebel and I(!)*
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  1. your kid(s) are going to be kickass, like their parents.

  2. You are right Sarah - it is hell when they are teenagers. But I know it is going to be worth it............someday.

  3. they will also know what it looks like to follow Jesus - loving those He loves regardless of borders, languages or cultures... moving in the world with grace, passion and, yes, kindness. They will see (and thus learn) the value to genuine friendships and the fun of living the life God gives!

  4. Kelley always says the best stuff - so, ditto. (How original is that?!)

    Seriously, to even think about that before your children are born proves you will be the best parents some day. If they model their lives after their parents, like Christie said, they will be "kickass."

  5. and don't forget the part about NOT helicoptering...


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