Monday, October 24, 2011


Well we got hacked last week, didn't we?

I'm inclined to forgive the criminal, given 1.) the sweet nature of the crime, and 2.) the overall cuteness of the criminal himself. That rascal.

Today I wanted to share some images I shot a few weeks ago on a little jaunt to a nearby town called Frigiliana. It's one of those beautiful little villages that southern Spain is really known for, the kind that has whitewashed stucco houses with red tile roofs that slope down through the olive groves to the sea. You know, the postcard kind.

It's so quaint it feels almost fake, like you're inside some Disney version of Spain. But the charm is one hundred percent authentic.

See for yourself:

Frigiliana-047.jpg Frigiliana-064.jpg Frigiliana-054.jpg Frigiliana-071.jpg Frigiliana-066.jpg

And here's the gang. Francisco, Belén, Javier, Irene, and The Mister. Which one do you think is the American?

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  1. Such a pretty place! It's hard to think of anything bad happening in the world when you look upon the charm you have captured with La Rebel - picture perfect!

  2. Hey Sarah, what lens did you use on this trip? The fourth photo is especially world-rocking.

  3. Thanks Kit! I used my trusty old kit lens (18-55mm) because my beloved prime (35mm f/2.0) isn't quite wide enough for landscape shots like these!


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