Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back in the realm of normalcy

Oh man, it feels good to be back in Spain and back at work again. 

The Mister's students are going on strike tomorrow (as they do a few times a year) (absolutely no one knows what the conditions of their strike are -- the grown ups don't ask and the kids don't say). I've been asked to explain various elements of British culture (no matter how many times you say American, unless you walk around wrapped in the stars and stripes you will be British to them until the day you die). I still don't have a class schedule after three full days of work (mañana, mañana). And jokes that would only be funny to a native English speaker are popping out left and right and making me giggle at inappropriate times.

Exhibit A:

Unit 2: Your amazing body.

Exhibit B: self-explanatory.

Both pictures were taken surreptitiously with my iPhone at school.

All in all, life feels back to normal.

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1 comment:

  1. I had to giggle at that last photo...! I get such a kick out of being an English speaker in Spain.

    One week in, and I've still not got a semblance of a schedule, either. Strikes have killed that chance (and, in fact, have left a rough, 3-D coffin with the words "RIP Educación" propped up against my high school's front door.) It has already been an eventful few days.


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