Friday, May 13, 2011


Scotland Nottinghman-234.jpg

My wishes:

1. That my family, who was supposed to be here by now and is currently stranded in various parts of the world, actually gets here tomorrow.

2. That Blogger, who has given me error messages and not let me post since Wednesday night, will start functioning properly again.  Come on Google, we're all counting on you!

3. That Harry Potter were real so I could have a magic wand. And so I could apparate, since that is clearly the most desirable magical skill (debates welcome in the comments).

As an aside, if you want to read my (somewhat grumpy sounding, whoops) interview response on social media and how today's bloggers should use it, check it out over at TravelBlogs.  For a really interesting read, check out the guy whose take is right below mine - I love his thoughts on whether or not it's always really appropriate to over-broadcast cool travel moments, and it's something I think about a lot. Good stuff.

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1 comment:

  1. Regarding the "guy whose take is right below mine," I feel that if someone wants to read about white sand beaches while shoveling snow to take them away from it all, they will. If it just makes them feel jealous, that's their problem, and they don't have to read it. Sometimes I have pity parties when it seems everyone is jetting off to somewhere wonderful and I'm not, but most of the time I WANT to live vicariously through those more fortunate than I. (Same goes for Christmas letters: I like reading about what other people have been doing, accomplishing, experiencing, and I don't care if it comes across as bragging.) If these kinds of things annoy you, then don't read them.


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