Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And the verdict is...

The results are in, the votes have been tallied, and the future is clear...

Your next American Idol iiiissssss...

Oops, sorry there, I was having some Ryan Seacrest flashbacks. By the way, does anyone still watch that show anymore? With Simon gone? Isn't that like The Apprentice without The Donald? Speaking of The Donald, I saw a picture of him recently and I am sorry to say that if he came to Spain there is a 67% probability that his hair would start a new trend. Spanish men love questionable hair styles. Don't believe me? Mullets are considered high fashion in some circles, for the love of Pete.

Okay, I have stalled enough:

The Mister and I have decided to go to


(after I wrote that I realized that it looks like the name of the town isn't Málaga but Málaga!, which I decided to keep because every girl needs a little panache every now and again.)

The biggest reason we decided to stay put is because we like our friends. Making friends cross-culturally and cross-lingually (totally not a word) can be pretty tricky, and we lucked out like Kate Middleton. Wiping all that away to start fresh in a new city felt a little premature after only a year, and we weren't ready to jump ship yet.

The second biggest reason, is because, uh, this is where we live:

Family in Spain-181.jpg

And not to be braggy here but I think you will all understand why I'm not in a hurry to pack up and call it a day.

Family in Spain-162.jpg
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  1. hooray!! I am glad you are continuing your adventure where you are.

    oh, and if you pronounce mullet like they would in France (mou-lay) then it becomes MUCH more high-fashion. :)


  2. Good decision! Of course, I would have said that no matter whether you decided to go or stay, but I'm glad you value your friendships. That says a lot about you.

    And that scenery, well, it isn't too shabby....

  3. Congrats on getting placed in Málaga again!! It's such a beautiful area! I'm getting ready to head home after my second year as an auxiliar in Catalunya and I look forward to reading about your continuing adventures! :)

  4. Thanks ladies! We're excited to have another year.

  5. Wow, another full year. What a great opportunity.


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