Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A thing to love about Spain

Scotland Nottinghman-239.jpg

Conversations like these.

I walk into the local kebab place. Kebab is of Middle Eastern origin, and it's the fast food of Europe. It's roasted meat, usually chicken or lamb, with lettuce and tomatoes and various yogurt sauces stuffed inside a pita.  It's amazing.  I can't believe I haven't taken pictures of one yet; instead you get pictures of a lovely but unrelated spider's web.  Lucky you.

Anyway, I have to be somewhere early, so I'm trying to eat dinner at the unheard-of hour at 6:00 p.m.  The shop's door is open, but it's rather deserted-looking.

The conversation goes like this:

Me: Are you open?

Spaniard Worker : No.

Me: What time do you open?

Spaniard: Six o'clock.

Me: It's 6:12

Spaniard: Six, six thirty.

Me: So you'll be open in fifteen minutes?

Spaniard: Gimme a half hour.


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  1. Ah, reminds me of "Jamaica time." When we were vacationing there, it seemed NOTHING happened at the appointed hour. I love it!

  2. When Lauren, Erin, and I arrived in Paris junior year during study abroad we were starving at around 5pm... I had to practically beg a guy in one restaurant to feed us after being rejected by the entire block. We didn't even see a menu, I somehow managed to get him to make steak for 2 of us and chicken for the other.


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