Monday, July 25, 2011

Team 'merica

So last week I dangled a photo in front of you and promised I would explain it. And then, in a haze of small children and bad food and photo editing, I forgot. (Sort of like I had a big FAQ series a few months ago and only answered 75% of the questions. I'm warning you, I am a deeply flawed human being. Be friends with me at your own risk.)

In the picture I am a large cheeseburger, complete with a slice of good ole' American cheese.  It was all for a good cause. At camp, the kids have a "fiesta" every night with a different theme.  This night was circus night, and as a surprise to both the children and the camp counselors (we're just teachers, we don't do nighttime duty and all that), the teachers create a dance every year as part of the fiesta.  This year the teachers are all Americans, which is pretty unusual since there's usually a pretty heavy British Isles presence.  So we decided to take advantage.

Our dance was glorious.  We dressed up in Spanish costumes and danced flamenco for the first thirty seconds, then threw off our Spanish clothes to reveal some seriously well-thought-out Americana costumes.  We had an Uncle Sam, a cheeseburger, a hot dog, a cheerleader, and American flags galore.  It was AWESOME. American rap music came on, and we danced the electric slide. The kids went nuts. It was like our own little Fourth of July.

America Show-011.jpg
America Show-039.jpg
America Show-032.jpg

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  1. FABULOUS...just FABULOUS!!!

  2. I love it! What a great idea, I know the kids love it and looks like you guys did too.

  3. Glad you esplaineddddd the no shirt on hubby. Inquiring minds picked that one up quick!

  4. Awesome! It's so good to see you having fun. After the "food" pictures, I wasn't so sure....

  5. Such fun! You're making great camp memories for your kids.

  6. Oh guys, I wish you were there!


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