Monday, July 18, 2011

A day in the life

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Did you ever want to know what a day as the official blogger/photographer in a Spanish summer camp looks like? Did I hear a yes?

Roll out of bed at 7:30 a.m. in time for 8:00 breakfast.  Breakfast consists of  some dry crackers, a piece of half frozen fruit, and a bowl of coffee.  Yeah, I said a bowl of coffee.  You have to slurp it like you slurp the milk at the bottom of the cereal. I'm not sure why they decided mugs were a no-go.

Classes start at 9 a.m.  I run around all day, camera in hand, trying to capture cool things that people are doing in their classes.  My job is to blog three-ish times per day, posting lots of videos and pictures along the way. I take pictures and video, edit them, upload them, run around to different classes and keep track of what everyone's up to. (if you're ever interested in checking out the camp blog, you can find it here. Be warned though, it's written for a non-native English speaker audience, so you might not find the jokes as funny (as if you ever found the jokes funny).

Lunch at 1:30.  Lunch is usually something...not delicious.  The food is definitely lacking that special something, but it's camp food so I suppose it's to be expected. In the end, I'm so happy that I didn't have to buy it, prepare it, or clean up after it that I don't mind too much. Except when it's soggy mystery meat drenched in oily gravy, and then I start to mind.

After lunch, more classes until 5. Repeat same frenzied routine as the morning. I finish up at 7ish usually, then I try to go outside and take a walk before dinner at 7:45 (while trying to avoid the dead cow situation). Dinner is also most definitely not delicious.

Then, it's relax time for a few hours before hitting the hay because that 7:30 wake-up call comes faster than you'd think. 

Rinse. Repeat.

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*next time I will explain (and illustrate) the hamburger photo. Stay tuned.
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