Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer camp: the routine

Did you ever want to know what a day in a Spanish summer camp looks like? Did I hear a yes?

Roll out of bed at 7:30 a.m. in time for 8:00 breakfast.  Breakfast consists of  some dry crackers, a piece of half frozen fruit, and a bowl of coffee.  Yeah, I said a bowl of coffee.  You have to slurp it like you slurp the milk at the bottom of the cereal. I'm not sure why they decided mugs were a no-go.

Classes start at 9 a.m.  I run around all day, camera in hand, trying to capture cool things that people are doing in their classes.  My job is to blog three-ish times per day, posting lots of videos and pictures along the way. I take pictures and video, edit them, upload them, run around to different classes and keep track of what everyone's up to.

Lunch at 1:30.  Lunch is usually something...not delicious.  The food is definitely lacking, but it's camp food so I suppose it's to be expected. In the end, I'm so happy that I didn't have to buy it, prepare it, or clean up after it that I don't mind too much.

After lunch, more classes until 5. Repeat same frenzied routine as the morning. I finish up at 7ish usually, then I try to go outside and take a walk before dinner at 7:45. Dinner is also most definitely not delicious.

Then, it's relax time for a few hours before hitting the hay.  that 7:30 wake-up call comes faster than you'd think. Rinse. Repeat.
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