Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A ukelele would also suffice, I think


Today I:

Listened to Beethoven's Ninth full blast. And daydreamed that I could play the harmonica, so I could say "sorry, what were you saying? I was busy playing Beethoven's Ninth on my harmonica."

Had a kid in my class display a t-shirt that said "LOST: Sister and Dog. Reward for Dog".

I explained to my Spanish coworker that in America, unlike in England, we don't generally refer to erasers as "rubbers".  Ahem.

I received several drawings as gifts from students - drawings that I am one hundred percent positive were drawn while I was standing at the front of the class actually trying to teach them something.

Ran, with another woman, a 40-yard sprint to catch our bus. We had a good laugh about it together - after the bus driver, probably admiring our verve (or so I tell myself), stopped and let us on the bus.  We huffed and puffed together in the back seats.

Realized that even though I am becoming more and more comfortable in my Spanish world, that still it is impossible to coo at a baby in anything other than in English.  I held a coworker's two-month-old today, and what instinctively came out of my mouth was "que bonita youprettylittlesweetthingjustlookatthosedimplesandohmyLORDthoselittlethighs!"  I looked up into three sets of widened eyes - my coworkers.  To be perfectly honest, I think they forget that I speak English. I think they just think I'm slightly dimwitted.
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  1. LOVE this! I can't wait to hear you mutter something in Spanish to us when we see you next :)

  2. Sometimes things just don't translate... for instance a term of endearment en francais "mon petite choux" just wouldn't work in English ("my little cabbage") I think the same could be said of the "little thighs" -- just not sure the Spanish would capture the delicioso-ness of that...

  3. I'm so glad you're there so I can live this adventure with you! What great stories! I love them.


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