Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving, Spanish-style

Foggy windows and wet hair for the big storm. 

Yes, siree, I had some Thanksgiving turkey this year.

We had to brave quasi-hurricane conditions, and got soaking wet in the process, but it was totally worth it.

As I mentioned, my friend Claire volunteered to host a big dinner - she roasted a turkey and even made green bean casserole from scratch. This being Spain, I must confess that there was also a fair amount of sangria in the house. We were about half and half Americans and Spaniards, and most spoke a good amount of both languages, so the conversation twisted and rolled in Spanish and English, sometimes even in the same sentence.

After the last piece of stuffing had been eaten, we broke out the cards and played a few boisterous rounds, learning the names in Spanish for suits of a card deck in the process. So, you see, it was educational too.

Here are a few pictures. There would be more if I didn't have such camera-shy friends (all who attended except Nandi, I'm looking at you).

"Hola, dahhling, can you believe there will also be macaroni and cheese?!"

Our hostess Claire, doing last minute checks.  

Why is stuffing called "stuffing" when it should be called "sweet manna of the gods"?


"Did you just see Sarah KISS her stuffing?!"

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