Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Well hello there, praying mantis


We've had so much fun this past week out in the country.  We helped bartend at the town medieval festival, picked tomatoes off the vine and figs off the trees (eating a few here and there on the way to the basket, naturally) and spent hot, lazy afternoons by the freshwater pool that trickles down from the spring.

Our friends Becky and Martin hosted us, and they had a few other friends in town as well - a pair of Aussies and a trio of Brits. So really, we were a huge rollicking fruit salad of English dialects, and hardly a moment went by without someone chortling "you say it like THAT?", and the classic tomato/tomahto debate raged at every meal. They tried to teach us how to eat European-style (knife and fork held at all times, fork in right hand facing downwards and knife in left) and we taught them how people eat in the LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. There was a lot of "my country can beat up your country" talk. The Americans boasted, the Brits clung to their dignity by invoking their illustrious past, and the Aussies put on their sunglasses and excused themselves from the whole thing so they can take a snooze by the pool. Standard.

For some reason I got a lot of pictures of bugs while I was there.  Would you like to see some bug pictures? I'm going to go ahead and assume that you exclaimed "yes!" at your computer monitor:

Extremadura-051.jpg Extremadura-011-2.jpg Extremadura-084-2.jpg

I think I get double bonus points for this one - this is actually one bug (the green praying mantis) EATING another bug (the hapless locust).


It's a tough world out there.
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