Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summertime and the livin's easy


I've been such an erratic blogger lately.  I've been busy cheating on Love & Paella with another blog, the camp blog for the summer camp I'm working in, posting 3-4 times daily in a job that, as you can imagine, rather dries up my desire to blog for pleasure.

But we've missed so much together.  I didn't even get a chance to tell you about how the Spanish kids at summer camp play "bullfight" instead of cowboys and Indians.  Or how The Mister and I combined got three wasp stings and two bee stings in one week (I was only responsible for one bee sting out of that bunch, but I feel like I contributed more if I combine the numbers).  Or how this medieval monastery is haunted like crazy and how it seems funny in the light of day but how I can't sleep at night because I'm afraid the ghosts are going to get me.

This summer we've gotten salsa lessons on hot nights, practicing outside after class under the light of the full moon and the sky scattered full with country stars.  We've taught Spaniards how to play the classic American college game of flip cup, and we've eaten fewer vegetables than ever before thanks to the decidedly non-gourmet camp food. We've gone wine tasting in a room that had windows on all sides so we could see the slope of the sunflower fields arching off into the distance, and we've been more tired than we've been in years.

We've made up bar songs, gotten EFL lyrics stuck in our heads, fallen in love with funny kids and gotten annoyed with annoying kids.

We've made good friends, had long days, lounged at the pool, worked until the late hours, watched the sun setting over the countryside. This is our last week of camp, and I've got to say, I am exhausted.

But it's been a good ride.


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