Monday, March 21, 2011

Stuff Europeans Like

Unexpected light switches.
Americans are pretty predictable when it comes to light switches.  They're usually just inside the doorframe on whichever side of the door has the knob. We almost invariably like the kind that look like this:
Light Switch
This is not my picture.  I did not have a picture of an American light switch, and I find myself lacking access to them at the moment.  This is m.martinphotography's picture. Isn't the lighting pretty cool?
Europeans like to hunt for them, like a big Where's Waldo game anytime someone wants to turn on the lights.  Is it inside the door or outside? Or across the room? Or down the hall? Nobody knows!  They also almost always prefer the ones that look like this:

Around Malaga-003.jpg

Splashing water on their privates
Oh, the bidet

Tuna is the chicken of Europe. Everywhere that Americans randomly put chicken, Europeans put tuna. Examples: pizza, plunked on top of salads, in empanadas and on top of baked potatoes. I could say more but, as a lifelong tuna hater, I'm starting to gag.

Mom and Dad Visit-123.jpg

The rumors are true.  The wine really is better here (nobody tell the Californians!), they really do drink it a lot, and it really is cheap.

Okay, it's not that they love it, but it just isn't offensive like it is in America. In Europe, a 3-year-old does not need a bathing suit. 

Oh, did no one tell you? (They didn't tell me either.) Black is chic.  So are brown, grey and beige. Only Americans wear clothes in rainbow colors. Dead giveaway.

Eating the Whole Animal
Blood soup, tongues, livers, fried pig ears, sauteed cow stomach, fish eyeballs, whole rabbits...I could go on.  And on. And, I assure you, I don't even know the half of it.  Americans get a bad international rap for being pretty picky eaters, a stereotype which I would have strenuously objected to before witnessing European kids chow down on cow brains and stuff like that. They win.

Labor Strikes
Any given day in Europe, some country is experiencing a strike. The only place that this varies is in France, where you can expect a strike approximately every hour.  You just learn to plan around it.

Automatic Cars
Americans overwhelmingly buy automatics.  Europeans overwhelmingly buy manuals. Why? Nobody knows.

And don't think we Americans get off easy - there's nothing that sheds new light on your own culture quite like being outside of it!  Stuff Americans Like is coming tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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  1. Oh my. I do love this post. As far as the wine thing, it is cheaper (says my law student BF) because of the lack of tariffs. Good plan, amirite? Wine is considered "un alimento básico" so it's not taxed! Win for the Spaniards.

    Also, re: eating the whole animal - yes. My casi suegra made us fish and I just can't stand the skin. So my casi brother-in-law kinda sighed and made me seem like such a little picky eater. Oh well...I am about 10% as picky as the normal US eater, I do believe.

    Can't wait for Stuff Americans Like!

  2. I hope freedom and not wearing tights as pants are pretty damn near the top of that list tomorrow.

  3. I never realized our light switches are on the same side as the door knob. Yes I just mentally checked everyone in my house. Brilliant!

  4. Yes, the light switches thing is big. That does annoy me. Also, have you noticed that bathrooms are often divided up so that there will be either a room with a toilet or a room with a shower? I like having them both in the same room!

  5. Claire, this is a sad development, but I have to tell you that the whole "spandex as legitimate pants" thing was pretty big in Phoenix last year...America fail.

    Sophia - 100% agree! I'm not sure when the situation would occur where I would need to use the toilet and the shower and the sink at the same time, but the point is that it's MY bathroom and I'd like to have the option.

  6. the light switch thing makes me laugh... and I am with you, tuna is gross!

  7. I didn't know Europeans love bidets, too. But are their bidets different from the Asians?


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