Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Poscars


And the Poscars (Portugal Oscars) go to:

Most Valuable Player
Our iPhone GPS, affectionally named Mari Paz (she's Spanish).

Homeliest Team Member
Our black Nissan Micra, known as "The Fruit Fly"

Unsung Hero
Our clutch - only one stall out between the four of us (!!!)

Best Accommodations
Hanging out at the farm in Extremadura

Best Hostel
The House of the She-Pine Tree in Sintra.  If you're in Portugal at any time for any occasion, do yourself a favor and book a night - it's a destination in its own right. And stay for dinner, the cod is fantastic (and I don't even like fish).

Most Likely Culprit for an Unplanned Pit Stop
My bladder

Nerves of Steel
The Mister, who did all the city driving with those hilly, cobblestone streets that are so narrow you feel like you need to suck in your gut.

Coolest Spot
Tie: Porto and Sintra

Place That Turned Out To Be Not Worth Stopping For
Coimbra. Meh.

Best Pairing
Bradley and caffeine

Worst Pairing(s)
Becca and high bridges over water
Me and our GPS Mari Paz.  She only really responds well to The Mister.
The Mister and Portuguese toll booths.  Whoops. Sorry about that unpaid toll, Portugal.  We owe you 1.85

Coolest Cultural Experience
Watching Fado, traditional singing sort of like Spanish flamenco, in Lisbon.

Worst Drivers
The Portuguese.  It's like the whole country thinks they are in the Indy 500, and that they get extra points for passing around blind curves.

Best Drivers
Certainly not any of us. One (accidentally) unpaid toll (I ask of you: how are you supposed to realize that your lane is only for people who have the special toll debit card if you can't read Portuguese?), one parking ticket and one exceedingly minor (*ahem*) bumper kiss on another car.  All in a week's work!

For those of you who like pictures, all our Portugal trip photos can be found here!
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  1. A clever synopsis of events, well-written, as per your usual. Thanks for all of the smiles you give me.

  2. Great roundup. It's inspired me to get something off my chest that I've been holding in. I once forgot to pay for a camping site in New Zealand, and I even spoke their language.

    NZ I owe you $5

  3. Mike, you and I can hang out together with the other rebels when Interpol finally catches us!


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