Friday, March 18, 2011

Cherry Blossom Hope


Spring is in bloom.

These are plum blossoms, but they look so much like cherry blossoms that I fell in love with them a little bit.  I love cherry blossoms - I lived in Japan for a couple years when I was a kid, the land of the cherry blossom, and I remember riding my bike down this one long street in town that was filled with cherry trees.  They seemed to soar to the sky, and in the spring it was a riot of color and fragrance.  They looked like blushing brides, draped in lace,  clothed in pink and white innocence.

The news out of Japan this week has been terrible, just terrible.  I've added a lot of words to my Spanish vocabulary that I hope I would never need - words like total destruction, radiation, and reactor meltdown.

2011 has been brutal so far for the world. Revolutions, civil wars, stubborn dictators, wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis.  

It's been a hard winter.

But I, for one, am hoping with all my might that beauty, and healing, will return with the spring.

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1 comment:

  1. :) your post reminds me of the blooming of the cherry blossoms in D.C. I remember growing up,the parents taking that 40 min trip down 95 and seeing those trees and the endless smiles and joy showering everyone...I join you in hoping spring will bring back smiles and joy to the world.
    Christine :)


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