Thursday, February 11, 2010

Minestrone with a side of sauce

The other day I tried to make a minestrone soup. I had found this box of completely assembled soup ingredients in the kosher section of my grocery store. Seeing as Jewish grandmothers are generally known for making excellent soups, I thought it would be a good bet.
It looked like this:

As I was halfway through making it, I realized we had a problem: this soup was not going to be good. Not even a little bit. It was thin and watery.
So I started maniacally throwing in everything I could find. Pasta. A bag of long-forgotten frozen vegetables that I was surprised to find we even had, because The Mister loathes frozen vegetables.
All this and now it was chunks floating in a watery broth.
Still blech.
A lightbulb went off. I had a solution.
Ten minutes later, we sat down to a nice bowl of steamy, hearty minestrone soup, served with crusty French bread. It was delicious.
Key ingredient?
A hastily dumped in jar of spaghetti sauce.
(Just like my phantom Jewish grandmother would make it)
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1 comment:

  1. And the moral of the story is... don't make soup from a box. Just don't do it! Start with fresh ingredients and make a soup that is good and full of flavor. Steer away from boxes of soup...


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