Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In Which I Blaspheme


Of my many personal failings, both as a human being and a woman, there is one that never fails to be controversial.

And that, my friends, is my distaste for that sweet nectar of the gods.

(I don't really like chocolate.)

I feel a little left out, to be honest. It's lonely out here.

But I just would rather eat beets.

Or mushrooms.

Or asparagus.

Or Doritos.

I am not so much a sweet-tooth kind of girl.

But if I were forced to be, I'm really more of the key lime tart with raspberry sauce kind of girl, or the cake batter kind of girl.

Chocolate is just not my cup of tea.

And it's a little tough living in a chocolate-drenched world, like being left-handed or something; a constant mild inconvenience.

My workaround for the week:
Chocolateless Chocolate Chip Cookies: With Butterscotch.

No, it isn't "Butterscotch Chip Cookies". It's a subtitle, you see. It has a ring. Trust me.

Here is the super-complicated recipe. But beware, it's pretty tough.

Step 1: Follow a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Step 2: Come to the line where it says "add your chocolate chips"
Step 3: Think, "UGH"
Step 4: Reach for your bag of delectable butterscotch (or cinnamon) chips.
Step 5: Add.
Step 6: Enjoy!
Step 7: Prepare yourself for the inevitable "I'm disowning you as a friend" or "that's un-American" jokes. They will come.

Oh yes, they will come.

But be tough.

You are not alone.

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  1. Ha, well on a sincere upside, your natural tastes have enabled you to completely side-step the ethical dilemma of eating something that more than likely contains modern-day slavery in its supply chain.

    I say you're lucky!

  2. maybe you just haven't had any good chocolate. let me give you some of my good german or swiss stuff and then you'll know what all the fuss is about ;)

  3. @Adam - EXCELLENT point!

    @Soph - A few years ago, I went to that one famous hotel in Vienna that has the original Sachertorte chocolate cake (you've been everywhere so you probably know exactly what I'm talking about) and it was....meh. I think I'm defective!

  4. Here's a great little "add in" for your chocolate-less cookies. Try adding some potato chips. Yep, you heard (read) that right. Best with rippled chips and break or smash into smallish pieces. It's the sweet/salt thing and trust me, they are yummy!!!

  5. no no no I'm actually not a fan of sachertort. it has that raspberry filling in it and i find the cake to be dry. i'm talking about the hard stuff-- just a good quality bar of chocolate!

  6. Well dear niece, it is a good thing I truly love you :) There has to be one in the family, doesn't there?
    Aunt Jill

  7. I think chocolate is overrated...but butterscotch is perhaps my least favorite sweet.

    I skip cookies altogether and go for Swedish Fish. I say go with what you like!


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