Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bake a cake? Don't mind if I do!

Sister-in-law ("Sister to The Mister"?) Virginia's cake recipe is not to be trifled with.

She is not playing around, folks.

This is one of the best, MOISTEST (that one's for you Emily, my sister with the irrational dislike of the word "moist") cakes you will ever taste.

The best part is that there are endless possibilities for the culinarily restless, ak.a. moi.

Chocolate cake mix with butterscotch pudding? Yes please. White cake mix with lemon pudding? pistachio? I think I shall.

So, here it is.

Box cake mix.

Box instant pudding (3 oz.)

2 cups milk.

2 eggs.


Bake according to cake package directions

(add a teensy bit of time on the end, 2 or 3 minutes)

Go wild.

I'll be here, still laughing over my "Sister to The Mister" joke.
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  1. Mix it for those 2 minutes. It will be thick. And your welcome...this recipe was from a lot of cake bombers, years of flopping and a constant search for a dense moist cake (starting with a box mix). Give me a break...I have three kids! I need the box start! ENJOY!! Also try making a double layer cake with a pudding (made not dry like in the cake recipe)/whip cream mixture for the center instead of frosting. YUMMY!

  2. Sarah, you are posting cakes, Heather is posting apple crisp. You are both making me so hungry for a good American dessert!!!! Keep cooking, posting, and tempting me with goodness I cannot attain here... really, keep at it!

  3. Not a big cake person, but this one sounds like it's worth a try. (Never met a cookie I didn't like.)


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