Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Valencia and Barcelona

After our few days in Morocco, we rested at home for a day and then headed out on a road trip to northern Spain and southern France. The cast of characters included our friends Fran (as in Francisco) and Belén (as in Bethlehem, yes, her name means Bethlehem). 

We lucked out with great weather, except for one rainy day in France, and having a rainy morning in France isn't exactly the worst thing that can happen to you. We were limited to a few old CDs (a perilous situation on a road trip), but  of the CDs happened to be the Forrest Gump soundtrack, which is more or less the best CD I can think of to have on repeat on a car trip.

So there we were, rolling down French highways with Spanish friends, singing about California dreamin'. We stopped in Valencia and Barcelona, both of which were pretty great. Valencia is very modern and looked prosperous to us, as we're accustomed to the poorer south. I kept looking around at all the clean, neat apartment buildings and wondering where everyone put their laundry. In Málaga laundry is hanging everywhere outside windows, which seemed odd to me at first, but I suppose now I'm so adjusted to it that the city felt a bit sterile without it.

Fran and The Mister 
Belén and I, quite well-lit.
Valencia-032.jpg Valencia-043.jpg Valencia-058.jpg
Then, it was on to Barcelona, which is one of my favorite cities in Spain. I know this is going to be a controversial statement, but I'm gonna throw it out there - I really prefer it hands-down to Madrid. It's got quirky architecture lots of parks and huge avenues that are vaguely reminiscent of Paris. Also, there is a camera store near the Plaza de España that has a floor tailor-made for moonwalking. I know this because we stopped in and The Mister and I had an impromptu moonwalk contest (he won, naturally) because life is too short to pass up such perfect opportunities to attempt a moonwalk in public.
Barcelona-002.jpg Barcelona-003.jpg Barcelona-007.jpg Barcelona-016.jpg Barcelona-029.jpg

Also, the sunrise over the sea was my walk to work yesterday morning. It's titled "Why I'll be sad to leave Spain: Exhibit A."

Walk to work
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  1. Glad you prefer Barcelona to Madrid! I love them both but Barcelona wins every time in every category :)

  2. Beautiful sunrise! I miss Malaga....
    I actually like Madrid better than Barcelona, but on my 3rd visit to Barca I fell in LOVE. Both are great cities...totally different though so it's hard to compare sometimes!

  3. I love both Barcelona and Madrid and need to spend more time in Barcelona. but Madrid will always win hands-down for me. Having spent my junior year there over 30 years ago it is still very special to me. I like the uniqueness of both as well.

    gorgeous sunrise, I want to be there now.

  4. Valencia is really cool and your pictures do it justice! I'm not sure about choosing between Barcelona and Madrid-- they're so different!

  5. Madrid vs. Barcelona vs. Valencia = can't go wrong! I think I'm just a big fan of Spain in general.


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