Friday, January 13, 2012

Ode to Claire



Oh, Claire.

Claire is my one American friend in Málaga. I like her for various reasons, including but not limited to her sense of humor (cracking sarcastic jokes to friends who won't understand them gets old), her famous ability to cook whole turkeys in toaster ovens, and the fact that Spaniards get us constantly confused because we are both short and blonde and foreign.

Also, I like her because she just went to the motherland and picked up a few Christmas presents for us.

See above.

Round. Of. Applause.

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  1. Hi there! I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm actually applying to be an Auxiliare in Andalucia next year. I'm very excited, but as you can imagine, have about a billion questions. Are you doing another FAQ anytime soon? Or, would it be ok for me to email you a max of 3 questions? Haha, I know you probably get a lot! Thanks so much!

  2. Amy - feel free to send some questions along! Also make sure to check out the Facebook groups (both the general one and the Andalucía one, as well as your specific town if you know it), because they're goldmines of info!

    Jess - if you come to Málaga I might share with you.


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