Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Day in the Life

Jumping in pool fully clothed
These are my parents. Jumping into the pool with their clothes on. For no good reason. I love them. 

Busy day today: 

Experience acute handsoap shortage in midst of school-wide influenza attack. Madre mia. Also, receive three hand-drawn pictures from my students.  All of them given in love, and all of them drawn in class when I was trying to teach them something. Little punks.

Butter and chorizo sandwiches (remember what I told you yesterday about the sandwiches?)
mandarine oranges

Coffee date:
With mi amiga Irene, who has short fabulous brown hair and is on double mission to 1.) teach me all the Spanish slang that I can learn and 2.) to show me all the best cheap food places in town.  Did I mention that I like Irene? Oh, and it's pronounced ee-RAY-nay.

Private English class:
With my coworker and friend Soledad.  She is having a unit on consumerism in her English classes. Consumerism.  She's learning how to say things like "Wow, that's a good deal!".  It's kind of awesome/weird.

Go to the market:
Persimmons (one day I will write a whole post devoted to the Spanish persimmon)
Honey tea (maybe a whole post on that one too)

Then, I will go to bed because did I mention my parents are coming tomorrow? My parents are coming tomorrow! 

I am super excited.
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  1. So glad your parents are coming... I look forward to more fun-filled photos of them. Maybe jumping into the Mediterranean?

    Why not a whole post on bread? Or chorizo?

  2. Or the art of the "air-kiss"?

  3. Have a wonderful, wonderful visit with them!!

  4. Wow, you got nice parents who do such things. I love to jump in the pool with my clothes on,



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