Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I decided not to get my camera wet

This picture is not mine. It's theirs. Isn't it pretty?

Last night it rained.

I never understood the beauty of rain until I moved to the desert. Maryland rain is damp and chilly and outdoor-plans-killing.  Arizona rain is warm and musical and fragrant.  And often, sunny. Rainbow city. (side note: if you haven't seen this yet, do yourself a favor and give it a click)

Anyway, last night. Arizona. Rain.

The Mister and I really felt like we only had one option.  It involved bathing suits, cold adult beverages (natch*) and a nighttime swim under the raindrops.

But don't be fooled to think I didn't spend half that time in the hot tub instead.

*tbams, that one's for you!
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  1. Beautiful way of expressing what I feel - rain is different in the desert. I always thought it was because the air smelled so fragrant when it rains here. And also because it's so infrequent it's a treat, rather than the dreary endless days of gloom.

  2. 'rain is musical'... love the image!


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