Friday, December 2, 2011



I haven't even mentioned here that we had visitors last weekend! Remember Christy and Duncan? We visited them last year in Nottingham, and they took us to Sherwood Forest and fed us lots of fish and chips. This time it was their turn.

We went to Nerja, ate fried eggplant with honey and drank lots of tea, because you can take a Brit out of England but you can't take the England out of the Brit.

Also, they brought us cheese. Two types of cheddar and some gloucester and I am in heaven. I would like to know why Spaniards do not think cheddar is worth making. One of these days I will march up to city hall and demand an explanation.

Anyway, my parents smuggled me some cheddar last year too and as it's not exactly legal to smuggle these type of foodstuffs across borders, I believe it's time to add a new line to my resumĂ©:  head of an international cheese smuggling ring. Yes.

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  1. Did you take them to Farja too?

  2. Only claim to have been involved in an international cheese smuggling ring. Responsibility is harder to prove...
    And contact John Cleese of Monty Python fame. His name was Cheese until his father changed it to Cleese. You might find support there when you go before the tribunal...


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