Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nerds (as in geeks) and Nerds (as in candy)

    About once a year, I like to read a really opaque physics book, one on relativity and space-time and the weak nuclear force and all that. The Mister always reads the same book at the same time, because the ideas are too big for one brain alone, and then we read until we're dizzy and then go lie flat on our backs and stare up at the heavens and try to make sense of what we just read. If you're lacking a little wonder in your life, if you need something to grab you by the shoulders and remind you to pay attention because this life is amazing, then I highly recommend this course of action. Just once a year, mind you, or else you'll turn into a real geek.

Anyway, with this in mind, you won't be surprised to learn that one of the things that really excited me about last week was that they were giving out the Nobel prizes in Stockholm and the prize winners give lectures that are free and open to the public. Hello, physics lecture from Nobel prize-winning physicists. Hello, room full of fellow blonde nerds. I felt so normal. It was glorious.

Also, all three of the laureates were U.S.-born, so, you know, go America.

Speaking of America, I saw more American stuff in Sweden than I've seen for a long time. For starters, there seemed to be 7-Elevens on every corner. I don't think I've ever seen a 7-Eleven abroad before. It smelled the same, like day-old chili dogs and stale coffee. Mmm, scent of the heartland.

Also there was a restaurant rumored to be the best Mexican restaurant in Europe (which, let's be clear, is not saying much) and oh man, it was smokin' good. Mexicans owned the place and the food was authentic stuff - lots of cilantro and lime involved. Delectable.

Most charmingly, there was a little store in Stockholm that has all American food, and the primary clientele seems to be American expats and study abroad students who miss their home cuisine. Not sure what you'd miss if you were to find yourself stranded outside the motherland? Well, take a minute and peruse the options that would be available to you if you lived in Stockholm. If you look closely at the pictures, you'll notice that one has an entire shelf of products labeled "ASS KICKIN"



As a side note, I have never eaten Baconnaise, although I applaud the concept (not that I would ever eat it or anything, I'm just saying that it's innovative is all).  Also, I did not know that people still drink Snapple, seeing as it's no longer 1996. You live, you learn.

In any case, it's better than the American food we can get in Málaga, which is limited to some neglected-looking Old El Paso taco shells for about 8 euros a box. 

So, a round of applause for America. The Nobel prizes were impressive, but the 7-Elevens were really the icing on the cake.

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  1. You are in Sweden! Jealous!!! As for "Ass Kickin'" they really need to get their heads checked...

    Have they not been over to Blight and had a bash at our food?

  2. Haha this post is hilarious! Yes, our Seven Elevens really are modern marvels

  3. Food in Blight -they would have so much fun with that!

    Kaley - couldn't you go for a big cafe coolata circa 2001? Fond memories...

  4. Wow, did not know that 7-11s we abroad! That is awesome!


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