Friday, April 4, 2008


Well we’ve had a lot of questions about our upcoming time in Africa, so we thought we’d create our own little Frequently Asked Questions blog entry.  So, without further ado, our FAQ section:

When are you leaving/coming back?

We leave the country on May 18th.  We’ll be returning around early September.

What will you actually do in Africa?

We’ll be there under the umbrella of Amahoro Africa.  Amahoro is putting on several events in African seminaries throughout the summer, and we’ll be working behind the scenes to make sure these events happen.  We’ll also be meeting friends to facilitate our Amahoro work when we’re back in the States.

What about Ron’s engineering job?

Ron will be leaving Lockheed permanently in May.  At this point we aren’t really sure if he will return to engineering in some capacity (but not defense contracting) or whether he will pursue something new entirely.

Are you saints for leaving everything and moving to Africa?


Are you lunatics for leaving everything and going to Africa?


Will we get your mailing address when you arrive? Can we send you care packages while you are there?

Yes and YES!  Thanks for asking! =)

Where else will you go on this trip?

We’ll be based in Burundi, but we’ll also spend at least one week each in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya and South Africa.

Burundi? Gesundheit.  Oh wait…that’s a country?

Yes, Burundi is a little country in East Africa.  It’s roughly the size of Maryland, but houses about a million more people.  Various world organizations place Burundi as either the world’s poorest country or third poorest country, depending on the statistical formula.  Either way, it ain’t good!  But Burundi is also a beautiful place, full of lakes and forests and green hills.  We’ll be in Bujumbura, which is the capital city and lies on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

Will you be safe?

While there’s an amount of risk that comes with any international travel, we think we will be reasonably safe.  We will be traveling with locals who will show us around and make sure we know the ropes.

Let us know in the comments section if there are any that we missed!
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  1. Do you have secret plans to adopt a Burundian baby while abroad? What is on your reading list for the summer - gotta pack a few books, right? What are you most excited about landing in Africa? Do you have a theme song for your African adventure?

  2. Love the FAQ! Other questions...Are you missionaries? Are you going to learn the local language while there - and what is it, anyways? What are you going to miss most...what should be in those care packages?


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