Saturday, April 19, 2008

Keeping Band-Aids in Business

Of course one of the really really fun things about going to an exotic place is getting all your shots! Seriously, I feel as pumped full of chemicals as a Butterball turkey. We went today to get our Hepatitis A vaccine, which is hopefully the last one we need. Along for the ride were our pint-sized travel partners, Emma and Justin, who needed a bit of yellow-fever love. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting these vivacious four-year olds, they are the son and daughter of our dear friends Claude and Kelley, who we will be traveling with.

Here we are proudly showing off our matching band-aids (although the kiddos got way cooler ones than Ron and I did...why is it that once you're grown up you get stuck with the boring beige ones?)

And a super cute one of the bambinos:

How can you not love those faces? =)

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  1. Shots, a stinging necessity of international travel. But at least the kids had great company - someone to show them how to be brave and prevent illness abroad! They are too cute!!!

  2. Yay shots! Justin and Emma are too freakin cute. You guys are okay too, I guess.


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