Friday, May 11, 2012

Spring, thou hast been good to me


This spring has brought some of the fullest, busiest weeks of my life, overflowing with joy and friends and possibility. 

There was The Mister's birthday, and then our anniversary in which we celebrated eleven! years of life and love and teamwork. 

There were homemade paella lunches made by Spanish moms, a trip to Sevilla, field trips and beach days.

There have been houseguests galore : Jess came down from Madrid to visit us and Claire and together we had a weekend full of laughter, American food and getting caught outside in torrential downpours.

Sister of The Mister Kim came from California and we watched flamenco, sipped sangria in the sunshine and shared our lives over fried fish. 

Jerry and Carrie came all the way from Arizona, and we sat on the beach at night, looking up at the moon and sharing stories, passing around a bottle of Spanish wine to drink right out of the bottle. 

Kristin and Chet came from London, and we ate bull-tail meatballs and churros and soaked up all the Vitamin D we could get on the beach. 

I went to the US and snuggled with my mom, shared late-nights chats with a glass of wine with my dad, and laughed with my sisters until my belly ached. 

The Mister and I debated where to go to law school, weighing scholarship offers and getting increasingly stressed as the deadline drew closer and deposits were due and all we heard from our dream school was silence. And then, suddenly, there it was: an invitation to interview at Harvard, and then The Mister's interview, and then the acceptance. The indoors felt too cramped to contain the expansiveness of our delight and so we went out to the beach in the dark and ran around with all the joyful energy of children, our arms spread out to catch the breeze with the freedom and exultation of birds.

All this in roughly 45 days of life. It's been brimming with joy and happiness and sweet moments, and life feels very full right now, dripping with goodness.

P.S. You can see why my blogging schedule has been a bit spotty.
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful stories! Congratulations- life sounds amazing for you guys :)


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