Monday, June 14, 2010

I'll be signing autographs after the show.

On Friday I was popping around the internet, and happened to check out a blog I've been keeping up on regularly for awhile, an LSAT blog called Most Strongly Supported. They were doing their post-LSAT wrapup with a virtual potluck of quotes in the blogosphere from semi-panicked LSAT takers.
I read the first quote. Then I stopped. Squinted. Read it again. Clicked on the link. And it was ME! They quoted me, y'all.
I felt like Harry's friend in When Harry Met Sally, when he swoons all over Sally's friend, saying "No one has ever quoted me to me before!".
And it's true! No one ever has!
Cross that off my list of things to do before I kick the big one.
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  1. Surreal. The only time I've ever been quoted before is when I've been misquoted, which usually begins an argument.

    So your waiting - and our waiting - begins. Being in limbo is hell....

  2. Hope you did well on the June test!


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