Monday, March 9, 2009

Progress. Or. Progress?

A Luddite I am not; I love my cell phone, the wonders of Google, and as previously mentioned, I have an ongoing love affair with my iPod. But I couldn't help but laugh at the truth in this little gem.
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  1. As I sit here waiting for my Kindle to recharge, I wonder what was meant by this cartoon. I use a Kindle because I can buy more books for about 1/2 the cost of those paper ones that sit in my bookshelves (or that's what I tell my wife, anyway). With the Kindle I can instantly get the newest mystery novel downloaded in about two minutes. Now that's progress!

    But you know, sometimes, just a little bit I miss the feel of my fingers turning a page and maybe, just maybe, I miss running my finger under or around a particularity poignant passage.

  2. I agree! I can't imagine life without all the technological advances...but sometimes I have this fleeting thought that maybe they aren't ALL good.

    But ultimately I can't make up my mind =)


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