Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back on Track!

I have been a bad blogger this week.  A very bad blogger.  Really, I'm embarrassed.  My face is all flushed and tingly.  I could give you all these reasons about how Ron and I came down with a nasty flu, and that we were busy having dreams of chicken soup, both of which are true, but instead I will assume preemptively that you have forgiven me.  With all that off my chest (whew!) , let's just get down to the pics!  Yesterday, finally feeling better, we ventured to the beach for some fresh air and sunshine, Burundian style. 

With my favorite guy.

Heading in! Anybody have any croc repellent?

The skirt and t-shirt is definitely not American beach wear.

Uh, Justin?  You might want to tighten the drawstring on those little trunks.


How can you not melt at that smile?

This past week we also got to hang out a little bit with Jean Paul Samputu, who is a friend we originally met in Rwanda in May.  He's a musician who is really, really popular around these parts and who has even won some African Grammys and performed for Oprah and all that jazz.  He's been living in Canada but he was in Bujumbura and stayed at our house for a few days while stopping through.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of us with this cool guy, because I was feeling sick and gross and so I didn't take any.  But, you can check him out on YouTube because he is cool like that.  
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