Friday, March 5, 2010

Busy Bee.

I have been a very lazy blogger lately.

Here are my excuses:

Leaving for a two-week trip tomorrow morning:
(packing, cleaning, shopping for neccesities, stopping the mail, staying late at work to finish up projects)

LSAT on June 7:
(feverish studying before we take a two-week hiatus - although we have three books on informal and formal logic that are on the airplane reading list, so we're not getting completely away. Schedule goes:
Work 8-4 [no time for a lunch break; eat at my desk], get home, change out of work clothes, and study 4:30-9:00 with a half hour break for dinner. Saturday and Sunday sleep in, study 10-5, try to pack/prepare for trip (see above)/have a good time.)

Now tell me, when would YOU blog?
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  1. I know one other thing you need to do before you board the plane... And I was hoping for one more post before you left, so thanks for that!

    What are the chances that the arabic alphabet is going to come up on the LSAT? Would have been a nice overlap, since you are studying it and all!

    Reading logic while on the plane... guess I cannot cast stones, as I often get caught reading theology! Have a safe - and productive - journey.

  2. I, for one, don't know how you manage to do all that you do, but am very grateful for every single post you have time for, this one included. Now that I'm working full-time, it amazes me even more that you accomplish so much. Have a wonderful, safe trip, and I'll look forward to hearing all about it upon your return.

  3. I can't wait to hear about your trip!!!

    And yay studying! I have comps and boards in April and am trying to get back into the groove...not easy. It's nice that you have each other to stay motivated (or distracted, one..).


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