Sunday, June 22, 2008

I Still Do

Today is our first wedding anniversary! We are planning to celebrate by going to a restaurant in town that has - get this - lasagna. Brilliant!

Last year on our honeymoon, we kept a travel journal. We read through it this morning to take a trip down memory lane, and I'm going to share the entry from our time in Venice:

"Our last day in Venice, we had an incident which Ron considers regrettable but which will always stand out in my mind as a shining example of nature's sense of humor.

In the morning and early afternoon we spent a pleasant few hours people-watching in Piazza San Marco, Venice's famous square. It's quite beautiful, but completely overrun by pigeons, which Ron and I each consider to be mildly disgusting creatures. Ron joked the whole time about having a wild irrational impulse to kick some of these birds. They were definitely city-bred pigeons - brash and self-assured - and they wouldn't move out of your way until you practically stepped on them.

Anyway as we were walking out of the square, a pigeon almost ran right into Ron's foot and he gave the bird a judicious little nudge. The bird went into a frenzy of flapping and squawking - right into my leg. Which sent me into a frenzy of flapping and squawking. I tried to look dignified but couldn't quite manage it. After I had regained my aplomb, I chastised Ron for being so mean to the pigeons, and told him I thought pigeons always have the last laugh, one way or the other.


Later on that day, we were sitting on some steps eating gelato when Ron suddenly yelled and made a lot of commotion. He felt some warm liquid from above drop onto his head and neck, and when he looked up to see where it came from, he found himself looking at none other than a vindictive little pigeon butt. He had pigeon droppings all over his neck in the back.

I swear I believe in karma!"

What a great first year!
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