Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A New Story, Literally and Figuratively


I've officially had to come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be able to run this 5k.

My foot took forever to heal, and now that it has I'm too far behind to catch up.

I'm really bummed.
In its place I've decided to take on something new. Something of a more sedentary nature.

We're planning a trip to the Middle East for two weeks in March, and I decided that I didn't want to be in a land with so much Biblical history without really remembering said Biblical history.

So I am reading the Bible all the way through, just like I would any other book, and I'm hoping to be done by the time we leave for our trip.

Right now, I am almost done with Numbers. This weekend I plowed through Leviticus. I feel like I could compose a poem about Leviticus. It would go like this:

An odd bird.

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  1. I forgot to ask how this was going yesterday with the trip coming up so soon!......?


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