Monday, March 7, 2011

Ding dong, the LSAT witch is dead!


On the last night of our trip, we stopped in to visit our British friends in Extremadura.  They put us all up for the night, fed us delicious food as always, and schooled us on the proper pronunciation of ...well, of just about everything. We played charades late into the night, drinking Martin's homemade pomegranate and fig liquers, and we lit a bonfire outside.   

The night before we were in Extremadura, The Mister did some online sleuthing and realized that our LSAT scores were about to be released within the next few hours.  We stayed up late, feeling that nervous feeling that you get right before you go onstage somewhere, before deciding that we should call it a night.

The next morning The Mister woke up at 6:45 and took a bleary look at his iPhone to see if there were any emails from the Law School Admissions Council.  There were.  He took a quick peek and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of bed in jubilation.  I was half-asleep until he choked out my score, at which point I came fully and suddenly awake like in a cartoon when someone gets  bucket of water dumped on them.  The scores were good. Very, very good.

I started jumping up and down in my bare feet and whisper-shrieking, trying not to wake our friends but not able to hush.

It's been a long journey, folks.  Fourteen months, 50ish practice tests, hours and hours spent inside studying while looking longingly out the window.  And it all paid off in the end.

But I have a few things in mind next time we have a big fire that needs to be cranked up (those LSAT books).
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  1. Congratulations. On your RSS feed for this post, there was a fitting google add. Thought I'd share...

    "Is the LSAT pure evil? Yup, and it wants to make you cry.
    Learn how to foil it's evil plan."

    Looks like you've figured it out.

  2. Yippee-skipee! Hip! Hip! Hooray! I celebrate with you, and I'm so very proud of you both! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

  3. Congrats! I know it is good to finally breathe a sigh of relief, now you can go out and enjoy all that Malaga has to offer in peace.

  4. Mike - that's hilarious! it IS kind of evil, although I must admit I feel a lot more kindly towards it now that it knows who's boss. Ha!

    Andrea and cscobirds2 - THANK YOU!

  5. YAY! Law school. Boo lawyer

  6. Anonymous: you sound suspiciously like my dad.


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