Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This takes cojones

Four ways in which this day was extraordinarily pleasant:

1. After months and months of pining for a library (maybe the thing I've missed most about the good old U S of A), I finally found one (with English books to boot) and applied for a library card. I felt like singing Beethoven's Ninth, I was so excited.

2. I took an actual siesta today. Daylight Savings and an encroaching cold have been kicking my butt this week and I won a few points back.

3. The Mister and I went to our favorite neighborhood bar for some tapas and ended up having a sing-off, Spanish songs vs. American ones, with some Spanish pensioners.  We discovered the following: a.) They are better singers than we are (of course), and b.) everyone knows the basic tune to Hotel California.

4.  I saw this guy, pictured above, crossing the street, wearing practically nothing.  This is why people hate tourists.

Honestly though, this guy made my day.

That's right, scratch it where it counts.

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  1. Who does that? Those shorts, that is. Impressive.

  2. Maybe he had nothing clean to wear....

  3. Hey, although I remember a crazy lady following me with a camera, I don't recall giving you permission to take any pictures of me and post them on the net !


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