Thursday, February 4, 2010

Your input requested:

Best movies you've seen lately? Anyone? I need some movie ideas.
(And go ahead and skip the foreign language artsy films. When it comes to movies I have shockingly bad taste...I actually think Will Ferrell is really funny)
Or, just share your favorite movies of all time and maybe there will be some I haven't seen.
(p.s. Mine are Juno, Little Miss Sunshine, and Thank You for Smoking, as a reference point)
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  1. fantastic mr fox made it into my top five...

  2. We watched Whip It last weekend and liked it. Nothing heavy, but it was quirky/funny/not too cheesy. And I learned what they actually DO in roller derby!

  3. Couples Retreat was funny at times. Totally predictable. Same with Hangover. have you seen Mona Lisa Smile? one of my all time favorite "chick flicks"

  4. ooh all excellent ideas! my library/Netflix queue is now loaded up...I'll report back


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